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Dead Sea Skin Care

Dare to Dazzle With Dead Sea Skin Care

The Dead Sea (which is actually a saltwater lake and not an ocean or sea) is one of the most unique places on the planet. In addition to being the single lowest point on the planet that isn't underwater, this unique elevation actually works to filter out harmful UV radiation and the air contains 5% more oxygen than it would if the Dead Sea were situated above sea level.

A Long History of Healing Properties

For literally ages, people have flocked to the Dead Sea to immerse themselves in a water and mud that have nearly magical proportions. Some chronic skin conditions have nearly miraculous responses. Psoriasis has been completely healed. Today, it's no longer necessary to purchase a passport and book a long, expensive vacation to the region. There are an abundance of Dead Sea skin care products on the market that contain Dead Sea salts, water and mud meticulously harvested in this one-of-a-kind natural wonder-world

The Minerals behind the Magic of Dead Sea Skin Care

Of the 26 essential minerals that make up the magic behind Dead Sea skin care, 12 of them aren't found in any other ocean, sea or body of water. These unique minerals are not only specific to the Dead Sea region; many of the properties of these minerals are also unique. Fans of Dead Sea skin care and Dead Sea beauty aids reports such incredible side effects as relaxation, total skin nourishment, an activation of the circulatory system and much, much more. A few of the minerals that give Dead Sea skin care products their power include calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, lithium, bromine and more.

Dead Sea Minerals Effortlessly Permeate the Skin

Most of the minerals in Dead Sea salts, water and mud are able to pass through the skin of the body and are effortlessly absorbed. This is one of the reasons that Dead Sea minerals are such a popular beauty additive. Unlike other products that leave a "shell" around the skin and protecting from the outside, Dead Sea skin care products actually penetrate the barrier of the skin and go to work from the inside out.

Don't settle for any imitations. When it comes to Dead Sea minerals, there ARE no substitutes! Scientists and labs around the world have tried to replicate the magic, but so far, no one has done it better than nature.