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Some of you might be ordering your sequencing online. This method will actually get your results done much faster. Some of you might be having trouble with ordering your sequencing online. If this has happened to you in the past, don't worry. This is a common cause of frustration for many clients. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to order your sequencing.


The first thing you will want to do is create an account. Some sites will offer guest logins. Creating an account is going to be your best bet. It will get you your results that much faster. After you have created your user name and password, fill in your sample name you have chosen. Choose a name and password that is unique, one that you will remember. You will need it every time you wish to login.

The next thing you will want to do is pick the type of sequencing you wish to order. There different types of DNA. You will need to fill in the size you need. You will also need to fill in the level of concentration. We need all of this to fulfill your order properly.

When it comes to the primer, you have two choices. You can choose one off the list. You can also use your own. If you are using your own, you will need to supply the name for us to use. We also suggest you provide the level of growth and the conditions you are requesting.


When you are done, just click the "add" icon. If you need to make any corrections, do so before clicking the icon. Once the information is submitted, it can't be undone. Press the "submit the form" button. Print it out and write your ID on your container. Within a few moments you should get a confirmation email as to when the results will be ready.

When you wish to review the results, simply log in and hit the "view" button. That's all there is to it. We hope this has helped you out. If you have any more questions about DNA sequencing or your account, you can get in touch with us anytime.